Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Catching Up Again.... The first of many long postings to come

Ok, so it's been.... oh.... over 4 months since my last posting. This easy way to keep in touch with friends and family and share photos and stories is proving more difficult than I thought it would be! It's not that nothing happens, goodness no that isn't the case. And it isn't that I don't have oodles of stories and pictures to share, no that's definitely not it. What is it then? I think it's making myself sit down at the end of a long day and stare at tons of adorable images of my precious child and not just run back up the stairs to see the real thing sleeping peacefully. Or it's having my head swimming with all of the wonderful things I think about him and all of the amazing things he's done and wondering where to start. Or it's that sometimes I start to write and then realize that I am an unaccomplished word artist and my efforts will never do justice to the feelings and hopes and insights I have about dear Bug. So whatever the reason, and however meager my offering proves to be, here are some photos and stories of Bug over the last few months.....

Starting just after his ear surgery... Aside from going back a couple of times for a follow-up hearing test, only to learn that his tubes were clogged, first one side and then the other... things have gone really well. We go for another hearing test next Monday so I'll let you know how that goes. I think that the tubes have saved us from many ear infections as little Bug has had his share of colds this winter for sure.

Following an annual tradition we went with the Whites to see Zoolights for the 6th year in a row! It was around 15 degrees when we went so we had to REALLY bundle everyone up. The best way to do this for Bug was to dress him in about 3 layers and then zip him up into Daddy's jacket. It worked! He was toasty and snuggled and free to be amazed and fascinated by all of the beautiful lights from the warmth of his little cocoon.

We stopped to see Santa and Bug did really well! Thought that guy was kind of funny looking but didn't cry or fuss or struggle... just stared at him! He thought Frosty was pretty interesting to look at, too.

Christmas Day, 2007

Christmas morning dawned overcast with light flurries, and as the day wore on we got more and more snow... over 8 inches by the end of the day! A true White Christmas. GG and Papa John and Uncle Steve all spent the day at our house and we had a wonderfully relaxing time opening presents and having a big ham dinner. Here are some photos of Bug surrounded by the toy carnage - balls, tractors, sleds, cars, activity wall, more balls.... and what were dear Bug's favorite things about that day?......

Reading a book with Papa John and "catching" steam from the coffee pot with Uncle Steve!

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