So, yes, it's been over a month since my last post... oops. So much going on, so little time to blog! I have been taking pictures though! Here is the story of what's been going on the last 6 weeks or so...
We've started feeding Alex veggies and fruits and he LOVES him some squash and oatmeal! He also really likes peas, bananas, applesauce and sweet potatoes. All the other flavors he'll eat (really he's not picky) but he just can't eat these fast enough!
Very first time with a veggie, we had Squash. Mama even had a squash on hand and so Alex saw what he was eating. The significance was probably lost on him, but it makes a really cute picture!!!
Green beans - NOT a favorite. Maybe if I mix them with applesauce he'll eat a few bites, but these rank right down there with prunes in his book.
Alex just adores Tucker. He watches him, reaches for him and even sticks his tongue out like him when Tucker is trying to lick him! Whenever he's on the floor next to him he does anything he can to get closer to his Big Hairy Brother.
And now that Alex is eating some finger foods - teething biscuits and Gerber puffs - Tucker sticks pretty close to the high chair! Of course this just fascinates Alex and all thought of the food is gone from his mind.
It's that time of year again... football! Here is Alex in his Bronco themed attire. The whole family dressed up in orange and blue hasn't seemed to help our team much, but we're loyal to the end! We're in the market for some Avs gear, too. Haven't found much of that yet though.
Other new and exciting events.....
The sippie cup! How does this thing work???
So far Alex really likes playing with this new sippie cup thing, he grabs it, mouths it and even puts the spout in his mouth to suck on. But WHOA, watch out when the juice comes out... so far he does NOT like that part. Makes a face like "What the HECK?"
It's getting chilly in the mornings now, so Alex wears a hat and a jacket to daycare. Unfortunately we don't have any hats that fit him too well right now so he's been wearing this newborn cap which, as you can see, has a tendency to turn around and slip! Mama just finished knitting him the perfect fall cap, though. You'll see pictures of that soon!
We spent Labor Day weekend in Trinidad with Grandma and Grandpa Garcia and Uncle Steve. We had a cookout that Nan and Poppa came to.
It was beautiful and sunny weather all weekend! Thank goodness Alex had his shades and sun hat!!!
Uncle Steve brought his friend Jason to play in the Golf Tournament.
We visited the guys on the Golf Course.
And the latest news is that Alex sits up on his own so well and is now trying to crawl! He'll push up onto his hands and knees and rock back and forth, then PUSH!... backwards. He does wiggle and roll just about anywhere he wants to get, but we're not far from the army crawl either. And he's SO proud of himself, and only wants to be on the ground or bed where he can wiggle and figure out this motion deal.
Alex is such a good natured, happy and smiley baby. We are SO lucky and fall in love with him all over about 57.3 times a day.